Frequently Asked

Frequently Asked Questions

Center for Living Well Pharmacy Questions

Our Pharmacy services are exclusive to active eligible Disney employees, Cast Members, and covered family members enrolled in a Disney-sponsored Cigna Healthcare plan. All Cast Members may take advantage of deeply discounted over-the-counter medications regardless of insurance coverage. Limit two (2) OTC products per Cast Member.

The services available will be based on health plan coverage as shown below:


  • Cast Members with Disney’s Cigna coverage:
    30-day prescriptions (regular Cigna copay and coinsurance apply) and 90‐day prescriptions available at discounted mail-order pricing.
  • Cast Members with non‐Disney healthcare coverage:
    Prescriptions at the Pharmacy for Living Well will be filled at the same cost as they would in a retail pharmacy in the community. Over-the-counter products are available for purchase to all Cast Members.
  • Cast Members with no healthcare coverage:
    Prescriptions available at regular retail pricing – the same as at a regular retail pharmacy in the community. Over-the-counter products are available for purchase to all Cast Members.

EPCOT Pharmacy: 407-934-2030
Celebration Pharmacy: 321-939-2579

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 9-1-1.

Monday – Friday: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Saturday, Sunday & Holidays: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.

You can easily drop off your prescriptions at the EPCOT or Celebration pharmacy or you can have your provider e-prescribe them directly to the pharmacy of your choice.

Center for Living Well Pharmacy – EPCOT

960 Backstage Lane, Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830


Center for Living Well Pharmacy – Celebration

1530 Celebration Boulevard, Suite 100, Celebration, FL 34747

First floor

The Center for Living Well pharmacies are conveniently located within the wellness center so you can get your prescriptions faster and easier. Also, our pharmacists go above and beyond what you experience at your typical pharmacy. They take the time to get to know you and work with your primary care provider to support your overall health. We also offer a wide range of services that go beyond simply prescribing medications, such as: chronic condition management coaching, medication syncing, medication therapy management, easy prescription transfers, low-cost generics, and discounted over-the-counter products.

Yes. Transferring is quick and easy. Call us or bring in your medication bottle to get started.

Online prescription refills are conveniently available for patients who have previously filled a prescription at our pharmacy.

  • To refill a prescription online, log into your account or create a new one at
  • Select “Refill Prescriptions.”
  • From the navigation menu, select “More” then click “Refill with Rx Number.”
  • Enter the Rx number then select “Continue.”
  • If you are already logged in, click here to go directly to the refill page to get started.

The Center for Living Well Pharmacy is operated by Walgreens in partnership with Premise Health.

Anaheim Pharmacy Questions

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
(closed from 1 p.m. – 2 p.m.)


Wednesday: 6 a.m. – 6 p.m.


Saturday: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
(closed from noon – 1 p.m.)


Sunday & Holidays: Closed

1313 S. Harbor Blvd.,
Anaheim, CA 92802


*Located behind Alien Pizza Planet

All Disney employees and Cast Members can benefit from the pharmacy. The services available will be based on health plan coverage as shown below:

  • Cast Members with Disney’s Cigna coverage:
    30-day prescriptions (regular Cigna copay and coinsurance apply) and 90‐day prescriptions available at discounted mail-order pricing.
  • Cast Members with Disney’s Kaiser Permanente coverage:
    30-day prescriptions (regular copay and coinsurance apply) and 90-day prescriptions available at discounted mail-order pricing.
  • Cast Members with non-Disney healthcare coverage: 
    Prescriptions at the Pharmacy for Living Well will be filled at the same cost as they would in a retail pharmacy in the community.
  • Cast Members with no healthcare coverage: 
    Prescriptions available at regular retail pricing – the same as at a regular retail pharmacy in the community.

Phone: 657-208-5485
Fax: 714-224-0172


If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 9-1-1.

Prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, chronic condition management coaching, and onsite medication therapy counseling.

Online prescription refills are conveniently available for patients who have previously filled a prescription at our pharmacy. 

  • To refill a prescription online, log into your account or create a new one at
  • Select “Refill Prescriptions.” 
  • From the navigation menu, select “More” then click “Refill with Rx Number.” 
  • Enter the Rx number then select “Continue.” 
  • If you are already logged in, click here to go directly to the refill page to get started. 

The Center for Living Well Pharmacy is operated by Walgreens in partnership with Premise Health.

General Questions

Premise Health is the world’s leading direct healthcare company that operates and manages the Center for Living Well. We have cared for thousands of people, serving some of the nation’s top companies at more than 800 locations and over 4,800 team members. We are dedicated to delivering an effortless member experience, lower costs and convenient access to quality care for you and your family.

the Center for Living Well is staffed, managed and operated by Premise Health. The medical staff includes a combination of physicians, nurses, physical therapists, medical assistants, registered dietitians and wellness coaches. Each staff member has been carefully screened and is qualified to deliver exceptional care. the Center for Living Well is not staffed or managed by Disney or their Castmates in any way.

My Premise Health is your secure member portal that makes managing your health easier than ever. You have access to your medical needs all in one place, either online or through the My Premise Health mobile app. You can also schedule appointments, message your provider, conduct virtual visits, view lab results and so much more.  


Don’t have an account yet? Sign up at today!

While you are not required to use the center, it is offered as a convenient benefit to Disney Castmates and eligible dependents. You can also easily connect your wellness center provider with your existing offsite providers and specialists.

Service Questions

[Insert eligibility statement] 

Yes, your wellness center can perform blood draws and other lab tests ordered by an outside provider. All lab orders must be faxed or dropped off at the center to ensure we have the proper supplies to run the required testing.

Don’t have an account yet? Sign up at today!

Yes, you can request that your PCP share your records with your wellness center by completing your provider’s record sharing process and vice versa.  


You may also choose to instead transfer your records and designate your provider at your wellness center as your PCP moving forward. Our providers take primary care to the next level by getting to know you and personalizing your care so they can focus on your long-term health, rather than just treating your symptoms. You can even message your provider and schedule virtual visits on your My Premise Health patient portal online or through the mobile app. This gives you the flexibility to reach your provider at your convenience. 


[If your community provider uses Epic as their electronic health record (EHR) system, your records will be available via Epic’s Care Everywhere and vice versa without the need to complete any record sharing process.]

Cost Questions

Confidentiality Questions

Rest assured, your personal health information is confidential and secure. Your wellness center operates in accordance with HIPPA and works diligently to protect your data and health records. Notice of privacy practices are available for review within the center. 

Yes, your personal health information is confidential and secure online and through the app. Access to information is controlled by secure, personal usernames and passwords. You control your password, and the account cannot be accessed without it. Additionally, My Premise Health is owned and operated by Premise Health and is fully compliant with federal and state laws pertaining to your privacy. Your name and email address will be treated with the same care and confidentiality given to your health records and will never be sold or leased by Premise Health.

Your personal information and health records are not shared with your employer without your permission [unless it pertains directly to an occupational health-related issue]. Premise Health operates through a private network and software systems that cannot be accessed by [Company Name]. Notice of privacy practices are available for review within the center.

Scheduling Questions

The easiest way to make an appointment is through your online member portal. Visit to set up your account and then schedule appointments online or through your My Premise Health mobile app.  


You can also call the wellness center phone number (listed on your specific wellness center location page) or visit during regular center hours to make an appointment. 


If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 9-1-1.

In most cases, same-day appointments are available. Schedule online or call your wellness center location to see if there is a same-day appointment timeslot open. 


If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 9-1-1. 

While walk-ins are gladly accepted, the preferred method is to schedule an appointment ahead of time. Same-day appointments are typically available.  


If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 9-1-1. 

Local Virtual Questions

A virtual appointment is a great option if you don’t feel well enough to leave the house, if you’re working from home or if you’re taking a sick day. It’s also a good idea if you’re trying to limit exposure to others. 

If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, dial 911 immediately. Virtual visits are designed to treat non-emergency medical issues.

If you have not done so already, first set up your account online at or download the app for easy and convenient access. Then you can log in and select “Appointments,” “Schedule an Appointment” and then choose your appointment type that says “Video” next to it. You will then follow the prompts to complete scheduling. 

Yes. All virtual visits will be conducted within an environment that ensures member privacy and is HIPAA-compliant.

A virtual appointment is just like an in-person visit. You can discuss your medical needs with the provider, and they will diagnose and prescribe appropriate medications, if needed. 

National Virtual Questions

A 24/7 virtual visit is a great option when you’re in need of care outside of your wellness center’s regular hours, if you’re traveling out of state or if you don’t have time to schedule an appointment with your provider and need to see someone right away. 


An example of this would be if you woke up with an earache in the middle of the night and needed to see someone right away to get the proper medication to ease the discomfort. 


A local virtual visit is great for when you want to schedule an appointment with your trusted provider in a safe and convenient way during your wellness center’s regular hours. You’re also able to access other services you may need, such as [physical therapy, ergonomics assessments, chiropractic, nutrition and wellness counseling].


An example of this could be that you’re experiencing discomfort from your at-home office setup. You can schedule a virtual ergonomics assessment with your provider to get to the bottom of your discomfort and prevent future injury.

Another example would be if you have a lingering cough or sore throat that isn’t going away, and you want to check in with your provider to see if you need medication. You’d rather schedule a virtual appointment with your provider so that you don’t have to go into the center.


If you have not done so already, first set up your account online at or download the app for easy and convenient access. Then you can log in and select “24/7 Virtual.” You will then follow the prompts to complete the check-in process.

A virtual visit is just like an in-person visit. You can discuss your medical needs with a provider, and they will diagnose and prescribe appropriate medications, if needed. Your provider at your wellness center will then have a record of your 24/7 virtual visit and any medications prescribed, so they can follow up as needed.  

COVID-19 Questions

As protocols surrounding the pandemic continue to change and evolve, it’s important that you check with the center to ensure they are open and taking appointments before you plan a visit. We are following CDC guidelines and taking all the necessary precautions to provide a safe environment for you and our staff.

  • [Screening all members prior to and upon entry into the wellness center.
  • Spacing out appointments to avoid overcrowding the waiting room and allowing ample time for cleaning.
  • Reserving earlier appointments for our most vulnerable members.
  • Limiting companions except when absolutely necessary.
  • Requiring all individuals wear a mask as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.]

Due to the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are prioritizing care virtually to limit the spread of the virus. While we remain open for urgent in-person care, we are providing many routine and non-essential services [by phone or video]. 


What this means for you: 


  • [If you are scheduled for an in-person visit, we will contact you to reschedule. 
  • If you have an urgent need, please call before coming in so we may assess your health.  
  • You can schedule a local virtual visit* [by calling the health center / using the My Premise Health app or online at]  
  • The fitness center is closed until further notice.  
  • Massage care appointments are currently unavailable.  
  • Refills of your medications may be requested [through your My Premise Health account / by calling the center]. 

*To conduct a local virtual visit, you must be in the same state which your provider is licensed. 

Your wellness center is open and taking appointments for routine preventive care and all other services. We are taking all the necessary precautions to provide a safe environment for in-person visits, but should you still feel safer at home, you can also schedule a virtual visit* and connect with your trusted provider via video or phone. 


*To conduct a local virtual visit, you must be in the same state which your provider is licensed. 

While we do not conduct COVID-19 tests on site, you can request a test be sent to your home if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or are concerned based on your exposure or travel history. Simply schedule a virtual visit* to get started. It is the safe, convenient and quick way to get COVID-19 test results.  


Should you get a positive test result, your trusted providers at your wellness center will oversee your care and help you return to good health.